Yesterday a package arrived at my house. Mama and I had to wait until our friend arrived to open it. I helped.

Inside the brown box was a silver box. Inside the silver box were lots of pieces that looked sortof familiar.
Mama and her friend, Mr. Rick, cut string and fastened S-hooks and did all sorts of doll surgery. Daddy helped some, too. But mostly Daddy shook his head and laughed.
Mr. Rick checked the new doll's stringing to make sure it was nice and tight.Then he painted her face. I gave her some of my clothes to wear because she was cold. Then, she traded the eyes that came in her box with my old ones.

Usually when people say they make a new friend, it means that they met someone new. Well, I actually got to MAKE my new friend. Ha.
Her name is Sharmain O'Manyon. Here is a picture of us together. We are Best Friends Forever and besides that, now I have my own baby blue eyes!! Sharmain went home with her Dad to live but I will see her a lot because her Dad is friends with my Mama and Daddy.

Sharmain is a MSD Mika with my old cobalt blue eyes and a new camel one-braid wig. She has freckles, too. Her Daddy is going to buy her some green eyes and then she will be happier.
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