"Did God Make Me?"
Julia asked, " I know God made the sky and the flowers and all those things. I know He made you and Daddy and the Boiz. But did God make me?"
Yes, my little resin angel. In a way, He did make you. God created all the things from which you are made: the minerals that were combined to make your bones and skin, the naturally grown things that were used to produce your hair, eyes and stringing, the pigments from elements that were mixed to paint your face, and the animal hair that was sewn to make your eyelashes. All those things were first created by God.
Most importantly, God made the Human who designed you. A loving man, as a gift for his beloved wife, took clay and shaped it to make your sister's face and body. Then, after a time, the man designed you. The man gently poured elements into a mold and waited. Then he removed you from the mold, added string, hair and glass eyes in a box, and sent you to me.
When you got to me, I took all the little pieces and put you together. Then...the best part. I took you into my arms and hugged you.
You weren't exactly precisely made by God himself, but you came from things that He provided to Man to create with. And the energy to create beautiful things comes from the Creator. So, essentially, my little beloved resin angel, you WERE created by God.
(Julia smiled her sweet smile, snuggled into the crook of my elbow, and rested.)
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